
The Doctoral School of Physical Sciences shall assure elite education in science: assuring lecturer and researcher succession in the scientific areas covered at the School. Conditions of operation will be assured by the departments of Institute of Physics and Institute of Nuclear Techniques, MTA-BME Condensed Matter Physics Reasearch Group, as well as cooperating research institutes and industrial research laboratories.


Yearly number of enrollments into the doctoral school is 12 students on average. The average span of education is 4.86 years from the start until the degree is awarded. The Doctoral School has awarded more than 150 PhD degrees: the ratio of successful programs completed with degree is 84% calculated over the past 10 years.


Robust theoretical background of the Doctoral School of Physical Science and the internationally recognized level of laboratory equipment assures the high level of education in solid state physics, optics and nuclear technics. Experimental researches are supported by sample preparators of the University of Tokyo and the nanotechnology capabilities of the University of Basel; and the daily work connections are maintained just by the frequest visits of PhD students involved in joint research projects.


For a detailed description of the research fields, see the Curriculum. It contains current research areas, like nanophysics, spintronics, magnoto-optics, surface physics, laser physics, complex networks, medical physics. Applied optical researches rely on its long history, and the only PhD programme in reactor physics in the country also resides here. 


Regular professional seminars (both at university and reasearch institute levels) and national and international summer schools also play an impotant role in education – additionally to classroom lectures. Conditions of conducting modern researches are exclusively provided by developments funded by grants. Of the experimental laboratories of the University, the most prominent ones are the Surface Physics and Optics Laboratory of the Department of Atomic Physics, and the nanophysics, molecular electronics, magneto-optics, NMR and ESR laboratories of the Department of Physics. The training reactor of the Institute of Nuclear Techniques is unique at European level.