Dynamics of open quantum systems

PhD típus: 
Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Munkahely neve: 
Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics
Munkahely címe: 
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 8.

The PhD project is focused on the dynamics of low dimensional open many-body quantum systems and quantum field theories.

The significance of low dimensional quantum systems stems from various different aspects. On the one hand, the low dimensionality enhances quantum fluctuations, so these systems are often strongly correlated. On the other hand, distinguished members of this group of models are the so-called integrable systems which allow for a non-perturbative or exact description. Apart from their theoretical significance, these systems can be studied experimentally both in condensed matter systems (spin chains, carbon nanotubes etc.), and with trapped ultra-cold atoms. Quantum field theories provide the low-energy effective description of many-body systems in the vicinity of a critical point. In one spatial dimension, the powerful technique of bosonisation can be used to capture the low energy properties in terms of a bosonic field theory.


In real experiments, the systems under investigations are almost always open, so for a proper theoretical description we should be able to describe the effects of dissipation and dephasing. Moreover, as recent experimental and theoretical works revealed, dissipation can be a useful tool or probe, and controlled coupling to the environment can create even new states of matter. The goal of the project is to implement existing methods as well as to develop new tools to study low dimensional open quantum systems. The project will mainly focus on quantum field theories that give the effective description of many one dimensional systems via bosonisation. The PhD student will learn and apply different theoretical and numerical techniques, such as the implementation of the Lindblad and quantum trajectories formalism in the truncated conformal space approach.



The applicant must have good analytical and numerical skills, a firm background in theoretical physics, and affinity to do numerical work.

Email cím: 
Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics
associate professor
Tudományos fokozat: 
Stipendicum Hungaricum: 