PhD típus:
Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Munkahely neve:
Wigner Research Centre for Physics (WIGNER FK)
Munkahely címe:
1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Quantum and classical Heisenberg models on frustrated lattices do not necessarily order at low temperatures but can form liquids of different kinds. Notable examples are the spin-ice and spin spiral liquids for classical spins and the strongly entangled quantum spin liquids for spin-1/2 systems. In addition, strong spin-orbit interactions can induce additional effects.
We will search for the ground states and excitations in quantum spin Heisenberg models with exchanges going beyond the nearest neighbor ones, as well as models describing lattices of Rydberg atoms, artificial spin-ice, and other systems of current interest. It is primarily theoretical research, requiring the application of analytical and numerical methods. At the same time, we will address questions relevant to experiments, like what happens to quantum spin liquids in a magnetic field and whether there is a multiferroic behavior.
The application of a student with good knowledge of mathematical methods like group theory, linear algebra, quantum mechanics, numerical methods, and, most importantly, enthusiasm and interest in pursuing a challenging but rewarding problem is encouraged.
Stipendicum Hungaricum: