Submission of doctoral dissertation

Submission of doctoral dissertation 

downloadable PDF version

Hard cover of the thesis (sample)

 Printed documents required when submitting a PhD dissertation:

• PhD thesis - in 3 copies (1 bound, two-sided printed copy and 2 unbound/spiraled, two-sided, printed copies)

Datasheet – 1 original copy

Declarations - 3 original copies:

3 signed declarations bound in the thesis, on one page

or the 3 signed declarations separately on an A4 sheet (3 copies)


Professional CV - 1 copy

Photocopy of university diploma (presentation of the original diploma is also required) - 1 copy

Photocopy of an English language certificate, minimum at intermediate (B2) level (presentation of the original certificate is also required) - 1 copy

List of scientific publications related to thesis points (list of publications) - 1 copy

Thesis booklet - 3 copies

• Summary of the thesis in one page - 3 copies

• Abstract, 8-10 lines - 3 copies

The minutes of the in-house defense (including attendance sheet and assessments of opponents) - 3 copies (1 original and 2 photocopies)


Only in electronic format:

  • Co-authors’ waiver declarations regarding results claimed by the applicant (except for the supervisor and foreign co-authors) (physicists, mathematicians)

  • Publications related to the dissertation

The printed version of co-authors’ waiver declarations and publications has to be submitted only if requested by the proposer or opponent. When this is necessary, the administrator will notify the student.


To be submitted in electronic format (PDF):

(Please name the files according to the patterns in parentheses!)


• PhD thesis (surname_dissertation.pdf)

• Datasheet (surname_datasheet.pdf)

Declarations (surname_declarations.pdf)

• Professional CV (surname_CV.pdf)

• MSc certificate (surname_MSc_certificate.pdf)

• English language exam certificate (surname_English_certificate.pdf)

• List of publications related to thesis points (surname_list_of_publications.pdf)

• Scientific publications related to the dissertation (surname_articles.pdf) (all articles related to the dissertation should be submitted in one file)

• Thesis booklet (surname_thesis_booklet.pdf)

• Summary of the thesis in one page (surname_summary.pdf)

• Abstract of 8-10 lines (surname_abstract.pdf)

• The minutes of the in-house defense with the attendance sheet and assessments of opponents (surname_minutes_inhouse_defense.pdf)

Co-authors’ waiver declarations regarding results claimed by the applicant  (surname_co-authors_declarations.pdf)


Script for doctoral defense (pdf)